Sunday, April 20, 2014

Bird Watching Basics at BSC

Bird Studies Canada (BSC) has an interesting looking event next Saturday (April 26) at their national headquarters in Port Rowan.

The “seminar” is an introduction to bird-watching basics. Seminar might be a misleading term as I suspect much of the morning will be spent in the field.

Activities get underway at 9:30 a.m.  The price is right (i.e., it is free.)  Registration is required, however, by contacting 519-586-3531 ext. 128 or

BSC bills the morning as “an ‘everything you wanted to know about bird watching but were afraid to ask’ experience.”

You’ll need to come prepared for the weather.  That could mean anything these days, of course.

The Simcoe Reformer had a nice story on BSC last weekend.  Jeff Tribe’s piece provided a good reminder that Long Point/ Port Rowan is one of the best places in the world to see migrating birds. Here is that story.

More details about the event are at

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