I started posting son Graham's pictures at When The Mayor Smiles, a site where I've written about municipal politics for nearly seven years. It seemed a strange spot to show a mink eating a carp on a frozen bay but there is probably an apt metaphor there that is escaping me.
So, if you want municipal politics you've come to the wrong place. Here is where you should be: http://whenthemayorsmiles.blogspot.ca/
I'm envisioning this site being a modest attempt at trying to keep a record of current wildlife comings and goings on Ontario's South Coast.
You'll know that the Long Point/Port Rowan area offers some of the best birding opportunities in North America. Featuring a large number of accessible birding locations, at last count the area can boast of a species tally of nearly 400 birds. One hundred and seventy six species breed in the area which has been designated as a World Biosphere Reserve.
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