Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Sandhill Cranes near Port Rowan

This time of year, we spend a fair bit of time heading westward a kilometre or two looking for Sandhill Cranes.

They aren’t hard to find as they are usually feeding just east or west of highway #59, north of Front Road/Lakeshore near Port Rowan.

On Christmas Eve at dusk, we watched from the Big Creek viewing platform as a couple of hundred came in for the night.

The Long Point Christmas Count conducted on Saturday December 20th tallied 730 Sandhill Cranes.

Here they are:

More details on the count at http://www.mail-archive.com/birdalert@ontbirds.ca/msg35028.html

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Snowy Owl in Port Rowan

It is a warmish but drab day in Port Rowan.

Keen birders are off at the Woodhouse Christmas Count.

We went for a short hike at the Port Rowan Wetlands on Hunter Drive North with no real expectations of seeing any interesting birds.
Port Rowan Wetlands
Graham took the picture of a Female Snowy Owl shown below before she headed off in the direction of the Beer Store.


As usual migration time is always busy at Long Point/Port Rowan. The spring of 2023 was the 64 th consecutive year that bird migration wa...